Our history

In our PLATECHLAB we work on the generation of platelet proteins ex vivo from a disruptive bioprocess directed towards synthetic biology. From 2020 we want to advise companies that want to integrate biotechnology into their industrial processes and also improve their capabilities and infrastructure with state-of-the-art equipment from TECNIC and Miltenyi Biotec.

2023 2022 2021
¡Seguimos desarrollando e integrando biotecnología a más negocios y empresas!
2022 2021 2020
Nuestro departamento comercial crece y cerramos una nueva representación con la pionera e innovadora compañía alemana Miltenyi Biotec.
2021 2020 2019
Nos golpea la pandemia de COVID19 pero seguimos en nuestro desarrollo y crecemos como empresa. Nos convertimos en el representante exclusivo en Chile y Latinoamerica de la empresa catalana TECNIC, además comenzamos a ofrecer servicios de I+D y consultorías en innovación.
2020 2019 2018
CORFO confía nuevamente en nosotros y hacemos una segunda ronda de inversión para poder llevar el proceso a escala industrial.
2019 2018 2017
Logramos llevar de escala de laboratorio a escala semi-industrial nuestro proceso. Se desarrolla y se fabrica el primer biorreactor productor de proteínas plaquetarias.
2018 2017 2016
Nos adjudicamos un fondo importante de CORFO con el cual se inicia la primera ronda de inversión privada. Platech cambia y se traslada a Viña del Mar, Chile.
2017 2016 2015
Se inician las pruebas a escala de laboratorio, se genera el primer prototipo de nuestra tecnología productora de proteínas plaquetarias.
2016 2015 2016
Se funda Platech con el propósito de convertirse en pionera en la industria biotecnológica y de los bioprocesos.
2016 2015 2016
Platech was founded with the purpose of becoming a pioneer in the biotechnology and bioprocess industry. During this same year, we obtained the first CORFO fund, known as Capital Semilla, which gave us the opportunity to carry out our proof of concept.
2015 2016 2017
Laboratory-scale tests begin, the first prototype of our platelet protein-producing technology is generated.
2016 2017 2018
We were awarded a significant CORFO fund called Innovación tecnologica empresarial 2, which marks the beginning of our first round of private investment. As part of this new chapter, Platech relocates to Viña del Mar, Chile.
2017 2018 2019
We managed to take our process from laboratory scale to semi-industrial scale. The first platelet protein-producing bioreactor is developed and manufactured
2018 2019 2020
CORFO trusts us again and we make a second round of investment to be able to take the process to an industrial scale.
2019 2020 2021
Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, we experienced significant growth as a company, highlighted by the acquisition of a major CORFO fund called Alta Tecnología. Additionally, this year we began offering R&D and consulting services.
2020 2021 2022
Our commercial department grows and we close a new representation with the pioneering and innovative German company Miltenyi Biotec.
2021 2022 2023
We continue to develop and integrate biotechnology to more businesses and companies!
2022 2023
We validated our technology and sought financing through Venture Capital to complete our final phase. Furthermore, we expanded into creating new products with the allocation of the CORFO Crea y Valida fund.

Increase the efficiency and precision of biological experimentation worldwide, applying new knowledge in our lines of research, developing disruptive biotechnological products, and providing comprehensive services that strengthen the R&D of our company, collaborators, and clients.

To be a leading company worldwide in the generation of comprehensive biotechnological solutions, through the implementation of our innovative bioprocesses and our business capacity.


We believe that innovation is the way to a better, more modern, creative, and curious world. It is our engine of change.
Experienced and highly qualified team to become your best R&D partner. We guarantee maximum responsibility, confidentiality, and support.
Scientific capacity, business management, strategy creation, and technology transfer with strict data management.
We seek homogeneity in our results to any need to deliver a satisfactory response.
We strive to establish fluid communication with our clients to help them achieve their goals effectively.
We constantly adapt to the problems we face and transform them into solutions.


A team of specialized scientists to solve all your problems and needs in research and development, boost your business, and integrate biotechnology.